Operational and Flood Forecasting
Timing and accuracy are crucial for flood forecasting. Ewaters systems balance forecast time, development cost, and accuracy to deliver reliable results effectively.
Operational System Enabling Prompt and Actionable Insights
Predicts flood events quickly and prepares results for stakeholders including the public, civil defense, councils, engineers, asset managers, and planners. Results are delivered in various formats like GIS, customizable applets, SCADA displays, and Power BI reports.
Data Integration
Our systems combine static data with dynamic environmental monitoring, such as weather forecasts, rainfall radar, and satellite data, to provide precise flood forecasting. Results are automated and curated for real-time delivery to key personnel.
Models for forecast and operations
Data, physics-based, and numerical models are integrated for workflow analysis and results on flooding events, both historical and forecasted. These models describe individual catchments within regional systems, allowing real-time monitoring and high-resolution local risk assessment.