Water Resource Management
Ewaters empowers communities with synergistic water management infrastructure, by seamlessly integrating the natural, built and digital environments to create thriving cities that celebrate their ecological diversity.
Potable Water
Ewaters Engineered Environments leverages technology to manage water resources, monitor quality, and minimize waste while ensuring community access and promoting responsible use for future generations.
Stormwater is the most misunderstood and poorly managed segment of wet infrastructure. It takes comprehensive modelling coupled with integrated management and infrastructure to turn stormwater from a liability to an asset.
Our wastewater expertise includes detailed modelling as well as infrastructure development. We have created real time control systems for reducing wastewater overflows and balancing systems.
Geo-Spatial Data Analytics
Our geo spatial analytics capability stretches beyond water resource management and can assist councils, developers, planners and civil engineers. We establish objectives and define algorithms to make short work of large analytics task or automate repeated tasks to improve an organisation’s efficiency.
Asset management
Data forms the infrastructure for a company’s decision support/business system. Data ownership is often unclear in a large utility or council and this leads to islands of data, problems of duplication, lost data and it can muddle investment priorities decisions for infrastructure assets.
Ewaters can offer a fully integrated systems approach to asset management that will meet your organisational requirements for asset maintenance, operational use and capital expenditure planning. Quickly and easily set planning budgets including, rehabilitation planning, asset condition and performance monitoring integration. We can build network models that are seamlessly integrated and instill confidence in capital expenditures on infrastructure.
Ewaters will help your business manage infrastructure assets to minimize the total cost of owning and operating them, while delivering satisfactory customer service levels, at an acceptable level of risk.