Flood Risk Management
Farm Land Underwater
Junction Culvert Under Construction
Culvert After Construction
Flood Risk Mitigation
Flood risk management essentially relates to reducing and managing uncertainties due to catchment wide extreme rainfall events interfacing with communities’ complex infrastructure. The key to managing these uncertainties is effective identification of flood risks and their sources.
Engineers at Ewaters successfully achieve this through utilising the best available geospatial data, historical information, confirmed by ground-trothing and integrated state of the art hydrologic and hydraulic modelling technologies.
Appropriate computer models are essential to gain sufficient knowledge and understanding of flood risk. However, with so many variables involved, to estimate or predict flood severities, it is critical that models are built based on a clear understanding of the physical hydraulic systems as well as the complete hydrological conditions.
Living Flood Risk Models
Models are a wealth of information and need to be updated regularly to keep them current and accurate. Ewaters designs its models to complement each other and offer efficient upgrades throughout the years to decades that they are in use.
In addition to the efficiency benefit, flood risk can be evaluated as management options are installed providing comparisons, direct benefits and clear progress towards a thriving and sustainable river management.