
One of the greatest challenges we face today is building water resilient communities. 
Floods, drought, pollution and population needs, in an increasingly unpredictable climate, have rendered traditional infrastructure and development unsustainable. 

UrbanThrive is synergistic water-first infrastructure integrating the natural, built and digital environments enabling thriving vibrant cities and 'burbs - towns and homesteads. 

UrbanThrive reduces life-cycle costs, increases ecological values and is accomplished with innovative targeted use of emerging technologies through sound practice of engineering principles.



Restore, reuse, recharge


Our approach to development seeks to use UrbanThrive to restore the balance of the hydrologic system in any environment agricultural, urban or stressed natural areas.


Ewaters understands how to create infrastructure that optimise multiple water usages before returning to the natural hydrologic cycle.


There is an extremely cost effective time tested way to store water and improve our environment– put it back into the ground! 

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Over the past three decades we have seen new approaches to infrastructure: Low Impact Design, Green Building, Water Sensitive Design and Sponge City are all noble attempts to change our infrastructure approach from unsustainable to sustainable.  We believe we can go further and achieve thriving environments.